Untitled 3


Untitled 3


Original Woodwork By Jim Bradshaw

  • Burl, walnut, copper rods & copper leaf.
  • 6 1/4 in (height) x 10 1/2 in (length) x 2 in (width)
  • Jim lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

1 in stock

“I have always been interested in contemporary style art and started playing around with many different woods in the late 80s. Soon after I realized the natural beauty and instant gratification that Mother Nature provided, I was hooked. Being self taught, my designs are a mix from some of my favorite modern artists, or visions that just come my way. Some even evolve after I cut into the wood and see the beauty within. Many times I will set aside a favorite piece, and wait until an idea comes alive, or the wood shows me a certain personality. When people see my artwork, I would like them to visualize what Mother Nature created in raw form, and what can be produced with the imagination, into a piece of art.” – Jim Bradshaw